Add a Live Chat to your restaurant website


Why integrate a Live Chat on your website ?

With a Live Chat on your restaurant website, your customers can contact you in real time through simple text messaging. Useful to

Avec un Live Chat sur votre site, vos clients peuvent vous joindre en temps réel via de simples messages. Convenient to report an oversight when ordering for example, or just to reach you and ask you a question.

To activate a Live Chat on your website, Napplok recommends the use of, a feature packed and free Live Chat system.

What will I need ?

  1. A account.
  2. 5 minutes approximately.

Useful links

  1. Access

How to add a Live Chat to my website ?

  1. Create a Tawk account.
  2. Activate your Tawk account.
  3. Connect to your Tawk account.
  4. Head over to the "Administration page", then click on "Properties Parameters".
  5. Copy your Site ID, which should look like the following: 5e61f8688d24fc2265861a10.
  6. You are almost done ! Enter your Tawk SITE ID in your Management interface, Parameters page, Integrations tab.



Le live chat installé sur un site crée via Napplok.

A live chat is now available on your website !

Congratulations !
Your customers can now reach you via your Live Chat directly through your website. You receive their messages on all devices connected to your account.

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